Travel to Africa and gain practical work experience at our Human Rights internship in Ghana. Your focus will be on raising awareness and protecting human rights in marginalised communities. The work you do will add value to your CV, which could help your future career.
You’ll work at the Projects Abroad Human Rights Office, and learn directly from human rights professionals. The areas you will focus on include children’s rights, women’s rights, youth empowerment, and more. You’ll see many different cases and learn how to tackle each one. You’ll meet different kinds of people, including representatives of legal authorities and international NGOs.
You’ll live and work in Accra, and stay with a local host family. Spend time exploring this African country over the weekends while making friends with the other interns from around the world.
Is the Human Rights internship in Ghana right for me?
This internship is perfect for students interested in human rights work. By working in a developing country like Ghana, you’ll see different kinds of human rights abuses. You’ll learn how to approach and work with each of these issues.
This is a great way to help your CV stand out, and it will give you interesting points to talk about in interviews. This experience is especially valuable if you want to work with an NGO in the future.
If you don’t have a background in human rights but are still interested, then sign up! You don’t need previous experience. Our staff are human rights professionals and they’ll teach you everything you need to know. They’ll be there to guide you and supervise your work. This is a great way to learn and get practical experience if you’re thinking about a career in law or human rights work.
This project accepts interns throughout the year, so you can join on the dates that suit you. You can stay from as little as two weeks. We encourage you to stay longer if possible, so you can learn more and make a bigger impact.

What will I do at my Human Rights placement in Ghana?
You’ll work directly with local staff in the Projects Abroad Human Rights Office. You’ll assist with the following tasks:
- Identify and monitor human rights abuses by conducting outreaches in more rural areas of Accra
- Help with the resolution of human rights abuses through direct assistance, referrals, and alternative methods
- Increase awareness of human rights through educational campaigns and talks
At your Human Rights placement in Ghana, your work will focus on the following areas:
Identify and monitor human rights abuses by conducting community outreaches
In order to properly address the abuse of children, women, and the disabled, research needs to be done on the ground. Through community outreaches, you’ll assist the local staff as they identify abuses and determine their severity. You’ll help assess the needs of people affected, prioritise victims, and determine a strategy to bring about change.
We currently focus on these issues:
- Protecting children from abuse and trafficking
- The right to education for all children
- Prevention of child marriage
- Domestic violence
- Sexual abuse
- Disability rights
- Right to vote
Help with the resolution of human rights abuses
Once the victims of human rights abuses have been identified, you’ll proceed to provide them with assistance. After collecting research, you’ll submit reports to relevant government and human rights bodies. You’ll liaise with them to get the help that is needed for the community members.
Occasionally, you’ll also have to explore alternative methods of resolution. This could see you:
- Liaise with traditional village chiefs and elders
- Assist with mediation
- Conduct lobbying campaigns
- Utilise conventional media
- Talk with families and religious institutions which carry high influence in Ghanaian society
Increase awareness of human rights through educational campaigns and talks
Many people don’t know their basic human rights and therefore aren’t aware when these rights are abused. We’re working to change this through ongoing awareness campaigns and workshops. Our goal is to share knowledge and empower people to stand up for their rights and the rights of others.
You’ll do research into human rights topics and use this information to develop these campaigns and workshops. You’ll also help run them.
Where will I be getting human rights work experience in Ghana?
While assisting with human rights work in Ghana, you’ll be based in the colourful capital city of Accra. This beautiful city is home to over two million of the most hospitable people in the world. You’ll always be greeted by children on their way to school, or be offered a seat if the locals see you have been standing anywhere too long!
You’ll work at the Projects Abroad Human Rights Office. This is a professional environment, and we expect you to be punctual and willing to work hard. The office is fully funded and run by Projects Abroad, so we rely on interns like you to help people.
There will be days when you travel to more rural communities for outreach work. You’ll work with people, as well as local schools and other institutions.
A typical day as a Human Rights intern in Ghana
You’ll start each day with breakfast with your host family. Get dressed in semi-formal, conservative clothing before heading off in a tro tro or shared taxi. On your first day, your supervisor will accompany you to ensure you know your way around.
Your day will start at 8am and you’ll finish up at 4pm, Monday to Friday. However, your hours may be longer if you’re doing outreach work. You’ll get an hour each day for lunch.
On an average day, you’ll arrive at the office and meet up with your supervisors before heading to a community outreach. At the outreach, you’ll interview community members, collect data, and raise awareness through educational talks. After returning to the office around midday, you’ll review the information you collected. Once you have analysed the information, you and the human rights staff will be better able to assist and advise community members.
In the afternoons, you can use you time to conduct independent research for current initiatives. You can also plan presentations for educational campaigns, attend meetings, or assist with project planning for future outreaches.
Once you are done for the day, you can spend time getting to know your host family. Over the weekends, you can explore the beautiful countryside and learn about the slave trade at one of the many national museums. You’ll also have the chance to visit Cape Coast and walk through the old fishing town or relax on the beach.

What are the aims and impact of the Human Rights Internship in Ghana?
The aim of this project is to promote and protect the basic human rights of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in Ghana. In addition, we give you practical human rights work experience, and an insight into the challenges people face every day in Africa.
Ghana is a stable and democratic country in West Africa. However, it still faces many challenges and shortcomings with human rights. Issues like domestic violence and child abuse remain a significant problem.
In response to the need we saw, we established the Projects Abroad Human Rights Office in Accra. The office is funded and run fully by us. In addition, the office is registered through the Department of Social Welfare and Registrar Department of Ghana. To help protect and raise awareness of human rights in Ghana, we need your help.
You’ll work towards the following goals in our Human Rights Management Plan:
- Increase awareness of human rights
- Identify and monitor human rights abuses and vulnerable areas
- Resolve human rights abuses
Join our Human Rights Internship in Ghana and help marginalised communities while gaining work experience in the field of human rights.

Vi mäter resultatet av vårt arbete varje år
Vi arbetar mot långsiktigt mål med årliga delmål. Varje volontär och praktikant som deltar på ett av våra projekt hjälper oss att nå dessa långsiktiga mål. På så sätt kan även de som volontärarbetar eller praktiserar en kortare tid göra verklig skillnad. Varje person bygger på arbetet som tidigare volontärer och praktikanter gjort. Varje år utvärderar vi resultatet av vårt arbete. Du kan hitta en sammanställning av vad vi uppnått under året i vår Global Impact Report.
För mer information om vilken insats våra volontärer, praktikanter och personal gjort under året, läs vår senaste rapport.
Mat och boende
Du kommer bo hos en värdfamilj i Accra, Akuapem Hills, Cape Coast eller Dodowa. Din värdfamilj kommer välkomna dig som en familjemedlem till deras hem. De kommer lära dig mer om deras traditioner och om den lokala kulturen. Vi tror att det här är det bästa sättet att verkligen lära känna kulturen i ett nytt land. Du kommer få en unik upplevelse av Ghana.
Vi försöker alltid placera dig så att du bor med en annan Projects Abroad volontär eller praktikant. Ditt rum kommer vara enkelt men bekvämt, rent och säkert.
Din projektavgift inkluderar tre måltider om dagen.
Läs mer om våra boenden.
Fritidsaktiviteter när du är ledig
När du volontärarbetar i Ghana kommer du även få chansen att utforska detta färgstarka västafrikanska land. Det finns så många olika typer av aktiviteter att göra här så du kommer ha fullt upp på fritiden.
Musik är en otroligt viktig del i den ghanaiska kulturen. I större stöder som Accra kommer du kunna lyssna till många olika liveband och få oförglömliga minnen från det livliga nattlivet. Eller tillbringa dina kvällar med att smaka på goda lokala rätter på någon av de många restaurangerna.
För att lära dig mer om Ghanas historia rekommenderar vi ett besök i Cape Coast, där du kan gå på rundtur i slavforten och besöka museum.
Älskar du vara ute i naturen? Passa på att vandra genom regnskogen i Kakum National Park eller Mole National Park.
Vi driver många olika projekt i Ghana, så det finns andra Projects Abroad volontärer att lära känna. Du kan därför välja mellan att utforska Ghana tillsammans med andra eller utforska självständigt.
Säkerhet och personalstöd
Din säkerhet är vår första prioritet. Vi har många processer och system på plats för att se till att du har all hjälp och support som du behöver. För oss är det viktigt att du ska känna dig trygg när du reser med oss. Vår egen Projects Abroad personal finns tillgänglig för hjälp och stöd 24h om dygnet. De kommer se till att du trivs i ditt boende och känner dig hemma på din projektplacering. Om du skulle stöta på något problem, finns vår personal alltid där för att hjälpa dig.
Läs mer om support och säkerhet.
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