- Experience cultural immersion in a traditional Fijian village.
- You’ll get a deeper insight into villagers’ daily lives, and you’ll give back by helping with various initiatives.
- Teach at a care centre, help with farming and gardening projects, assist with general village maintenance, and much more!
Is community volunteer work in Fiji right for me?
Are you interested in different cultures? Would you like to experience living in a traditional village? Then our Pacific Island Community Village Project in Fiji is perfect for you!
While volunteering, you will live and work in a traditional Fijian village. From engaging with children at the local care centre, to helping with farming, you will get to experience most aspects of local life.
You don’t need any prior experience, just a good dose of curiosity and willingness to adjust to a different lifestyle. If you need help or guidance, Projects Abroad staff are never far away.
Your experience in Fiji will add an edge to your CV that few others will have. You’ll be able to talk about it in interviews and share how it taught you to adapt and be more flexible.
Our Community Village Project in Fiji runs year-round. You are required to stay for a minimum of two weeks. There is no limit on the amount of time you can spend there after that.
The project runs all year round, you can start on any day, and it’s fully supervised. So all you need to do is decide on some dates, complete our application form with a deposit, and we’ll take care of the rest.

What will I do as a volunteer in Fiji?
Doing community volunteer work in Fiji is all about immersing yourself in daily village life. During your placement, you’ll help with some of the following tasks:
- Teach at the local care centre and support the local teacher
- Help with farming and gardening projects and learn more about the natural cycles
- Assist with crafts and general maintenance in the village
- Help out in your local host family’s home by cleaning, cooking, and playing with younger children
Your work will focus on the following areas:
Teach at the local care centre
You will spend your mornings engaging with children at the local care centre.
In the care centre, your time will be spent engaging with small groups of children. You’ll focus on teaching basic topics like the alphabet, numbers, fruits, animals, the weather, and general communication.
If you are passionate about any area like drama, music, or dance, you can also incorporate this in the lessons. You are expected to plan your own games and activities to engender learning among 3 to 5-year-olds.
Keep in mind that some of the villages prefer to adopt a more traditional method of teaching. Instead of exams, they favour more practical methods such as song and dance.
Help with farming and gardening projects
Most villagers in Fiji practise some form of subsistence farming. This means that they focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families. They also trade with fellow villagers or those living close by.
Even if you have no gardening or farming experience, you will be able to lend a helping hand. Most local farmers have years of experience and can easily guide you along.
Assist with crafts and general maintenance
You will soon find that village life comes with a lot of hard work and maintenance. From morning to night, men and women are working to provide for their families while their children are at school. In the afternoons, you can help with basket weaving, cooking, cleaning, and basic maintenance work.
Help out in your local host family’s home
You will live with a local host family. Unlike other programmes, where volunteers only spend a limited amount of time with their families, you’ll be with them for most of the day. You’ll be expected to help out with daily household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, and helping to care for young children.
Where will I be working in Fiji?
Nadi is Fiji's third-largest city and the island's principal transportation hub, making it a good base for adventure. It's home to a mix of cultures, hosts regular festivals, and includes the 'Garden of the Sleeping Giant', a botanical garden with native plants and hiking trails.
A typical day on the Pacific Island Community Village Project in Fiji
You will start your day bright and early in your host family’s home and help with the morning chores.
After a hearty breakfast, you will head off to the local care centre. Here, you will spend the rest of the morning engaging with the village children. Be prepared to use more traditional methods of teaching, such as singing, dancing, and crafting.
Once the activities at the care centre end for the day, you will be able to head home for lunch and a short rest.
You will spend the afternoon helping with a variety of village tasks. If someone might need an extra hand with planting or harvesting, you can spend some time farming. Maybe your host mother is preparing a big meal for visitors, so you can help her peel vegetables or knead dough. Alternatively, you assist with basket weaving, mat-making, or tending to the gardens.
Over weekends, you will get some time to rest. The villages are predominantly Methodist, so on Sundays you can attend church with your host family if you want to. This is optional.

What are the aims and impact of the Pacific Island Community Village Project in Fiji?
The aim of this project is to give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in traditional village life in Fiji, and give back to the community at the same time.
Most of our volunteer and internship programmes give you a specific role to focus on. This project is a little different, and lets you get involved in a bit of everything. You’ll do different activities, help people, and become part of life in the village. You’ll also support education at the local care centre.
Join our Pacific Island Community Village Project and enjoy the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a different, more traditional way of life.

The project runs all year round, you can start on any day, and it’s fully supervised. So all you need to do is decide on some dates, complete our application form with a £195 deposit and we’ll take care of the rest.
Vi mäter resultatet av vårt arbete varje år
Vi arbetar mot långsiktigt mål med årliga delmål. Varje volontär och praktikant som deltar på ett av våra projekt hjälper oss att nå dessa långsiktiga mål. På så sätt kan även de som volontärarbetar eller praktiserar en kortare tid göra verklig skillnad. Varje person bygger på arbetet som tidigare volontärer och praktikanter gjort. Varje år utvärderar vi resultatet av vårt arbete. Du kan hitta en sammanställning av vad vi uppnått under året i vår Global Impact Report.
För mer information om vilken insats våra volontärer, praktikanter och personal gjort under året, läs vår senaste rapport.
Mat och boende
Du kommer bo hos en värdfamilj i Pacific Harbour. Din värdfamilj kommer välkomna dig som en familjemedlem till deras hem. De kommer lära dig mer om deras traditioner och om den lokala kulturen. Vi tror att det här är det bästa sättet att verkligen lära känna kulturen i ett nytt land. Du kommer få en unik upplevelse av Fiji.
Vi försöker alltid placera dig så att du bor med en annan Projects Abroad volontär eller praktikant. Ditt rum kommer vara enkelt men bekvämt, rent och säkert.
Din projektavgift inkluderar tre måltider om dagen.
Läs mer om våra boenden.
Fritidsaktiviteter när du är ledig
När du volontärarbetar på Fiji kommer få du uppleva livet på en tropisk paradisö. Det finns massor av kul att se och göra på fritiden. Det självklara är så klart Fijis vackra sandstränder med len vit sand och klart blått hav. Perfekta att slappa på efter en dags volontärarbete! På stränderna finns även en mängd spännande aktiviteter som snorkling och olika vattensporter.
För en kulturell upplevelser kan du utforska den regnbågsfärgade Sri Siva Subramaniya Temple. Du kan även besöka konstgallerier och shoppa vacker handmålad keramik i Nadi.
I Kula Eco Park kan du titta närmare på det lokala djur och växtlivet. Och för dig som jagar adrenalin finns det även en zipline genom parken.
När du deltar på ett av våra projekt kommer du även att lära känna andra Projects Abroad volontärer, så du kan välja mellan att utforska Fiji tillsammans med andra, eller utforska självständigt.
Säkerhet och personalstöd
Din säkerhet är vår första prioritet. Vi har många processer och system på plats för att se till att du har all hjälp och support som du behöver. För oss är det viktigt att du ska känna dig trygg när du reser med oss. Vår egen Projects Abroad personal finns tillgänglig för hjälp och stöd 24h om dygnet. De kommer se till att du trivs i ditt boende och känner dig hemma på din projektplacering. Om du skulle stöta på något problem, finns vår personal alltid där för att hjälpa dig.
Läs mer om support och säkerhet.
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