Join us in South Africa and help teach computer skills to disadvantaged children and adults in Cape Town. You’ll work at a community centre. This is a great way to get practical teaching experience, and give back at the same time.
South Africa has a low computer literacy level, and many schools don’t have computers on which children can learn. As a result, they grow up without this knowledge which is vital in our modern digital world. You’ll work to address this issue by teaching people the basics of computers, from using Microsoft Office to doing research on the internet. By sharing your knowledge and upskilling others, you’ll help to improve their future job prospects.
During your time in Cape Town, you’ll live with a host family. Seize the opportunity to learn about the culture while meeting volunteers from around the world and making amazing memories!
Is teaching IT in South Africa right for me?
Do you have basic IT knowledge and computer skills? Are you looking to give back and empower others? Want to travel and experience a different culture? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the ideal volunteer project for you.
Since you’ll only be teaching basic computer skills such as Microsoft Office and using the internet, you don’t need to have specialist knowledge or previous teaching experience. You will have a local staff member or teacher who can help you when needed. You will also receive a thorough induction upon arrival, so that you are fully prepared. Finally, we run regular teaching workshops where you can share experiences, plan lessons, and discuss topics of interest.
However, advanced skills are always an asset, so do let us know if you can help in other areas.
Our volunteer IT Teaching placements in South Africa are open to all ages and levels of experience. It’s well suited to those who are proactive and can take the initiative. It’s also an opportunity for you to develop your personal skills, like planning.
The project is available year-round, except for a short time over Christmas and New Year. Our start and end dates are flexible, so you can choose a time that suits you.

What will I do at my volunteer IT Teaching Placement in South Africa?
During your time on this project, there are many different tasks you can get involved in. These include:
- Teach basic computer skills to children and adults
- Work to improve the existing curriculum
- Assist where needed on general tasks
- Support the development of students
Your work will focus on the following areas:
Teaching basic computer skills to children and adults
Your main role will be to teach your students basic computer skills. You will cover basic programmes such as Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and Excel. Showing students how to use the internet and email is also an important part of the project.
At your placement, you’ll have a syllabus to follow. This makes the teaching process a lot easier. You’ll work to develop students’ confidence and abilities so that they are comfortable working on computers. This is a great way to gain even more IT teaching work experience while in South Africa.
Working to improve the existing curriculum
There is also room to improve the current curriculum, and new ideas are welcomed. You can do this by updating existing course manuals where necessary, or even designing new courses. For example, you could create a short course which focuses on graphic design, or hardware repair.
Assisting where needed on general tasks
There are plenty of other tasks you can help with on this placement. These may include computer maintenance and repair, developing databases, and helping with administration. You might also have the chance to get involved in other areas outside of IT if you’re interested, such as running sports activities or helping with childcare.
Support the development of students
At the IT centre, you’ll spend time working to empower students and improve their job prospects. You can spend extra time with these students, helping them to develop their CVs or search for jobs. You can also find additional free courses that they can complete online to build on their skills.
Where in South Africa will I work?
You’ll be based in an underprivileged area with high unemployment in Cape Town. The centre we work with provides skills training to members of the local community, with classes ranging from Business to English.
Cape Town is a famous tourist destination, known for the distinctive Table Mountain, stunning beaches and rich cultural heritage. There is plenty to see and do here, so you’ll never be bored. With a fairly extensive public and private transport network, you’ll also be able to get around and explore the sights with ease.
A typical day on the Teach IT project
After breakfast at your host family, you’ll be transported to your work placement by a Projects Abroad driver.
A typical day on this project runs from 9am - 3pm, Monday to Friday. You will have your evenings and weekends free to relax and explore your new surroundings.
If you choose to work at the community centre, you’ll spend the day teaching people from the area, mostly young adults. There will be a staff member on hand to help. However, there is scope for you take the initiative on this project, and plan your day as you see fit.
You’ll follow the syllabus for the computer training course, covering the basics such as Microsoft Office and using the internet and email. When you’re not busy teaching, you can work on updating the course manuals, assisting students with their CVs, or designing new courses.
Once you’re done for the day, you can take the opportunity to make the most of your time in beautiful Cape Town. Take part in our regular socials, where you can get to know your fellow volunteers and the local staff. Swap stories with your host family over a delicious South African style dinner. Or discover the local markets, museums, and beaches.

What are the aims and impact of this project?
The aim of this project is to teach computer skills in South Africa to disadvantaged children and adults, helping them become more computer literate.
Computer skills are critical in an increasingly digital modern world. Knowing how to do effective research on the Internet, and use programmes like Microsoft Office can open the door to better jobs. In South Africa, a large percentage of underprivileged schools don’t have computers for children to learn. As a result, these children’s computer literacy skills are low.
You’ll become part of our efforts to solve this problem. You’ll do this by teaching basic computer skills at a community centre. By equipping people with computer skills, you’ll help improve their chances of finding employment.
Join us in South Africa and use your knowledge and computer skills work to help those in need.

Volontärarbete för yrkesprofessionella
Det här projektet är även perfekt för kvalificerade yrkesprofessionella. Med dina kunskaper kan vi tillsammans göra ännu större skillnad. Vi kommer matcha dig med en projektplacering där dina kunskaper behövs som mest. Det innebär att du kan dela med dig av dina kunskaper med andra. Tillsammans kommer du arbeta med partnerorganisationer för att skapa hållbar positiv förändring för människor på plats.
Om du har relevanta kvalifikationer, kontakta oss så kan vi hjälpa dig!
Vi har utarbetat långsiktiga mål för våra projekt och dokumenterat målen i våra projekthandlingsplaner. Våra projekthandlingsplaner används också för att planera ditt arbete. Tack vare våra projekthandlingsplaner kan du vara säker på att du arbetar mot ett långsiktigt mål och vi kan kontinuerligt utvärdera och förbättra vårt arbete. Våra projekthandlingsplaner säkerställer att vi gör en verklig skillnad.
Läs mer om våra projekthandlingsplaner.
Vi mäter resultatet av vårt arbete varje år
Vi arbetar mot långsiktigt mål med årliga delmål. Varje volontär och praktikant som deltar på ett av våra projekt hjälper oss att nå dessa långsiktiga mål. På så sätt kan även de som volontärarbetar eller praktiserar en kortare tid göra verklig skillnad. Varje person bygger på arbetet som tidigare volontärer och praktikanter gjort. Varje år utvärderar vi resultatet av vårt arbete. Du kan hitta en sammanställning av vad vi uppnått under året i vår Global Impact Report.
För mer information om vilken insats våra volontärer, praktikanter och personal gjort under året, läs vår senaste rapport.
Mat och boende
Du kommer bo hos en värdfamilj i Kapstaden. Din värdfamilj kommer välkomna dig som en familjemedlem till deras hem. De kommer lära dig mer om deras traditioner och om den lokala kulturen. Vi tror att det här är det bästa sättet att verkligen lära känna kulturen i ett nytt land. Du kommer få en unik upplevelse av Sydafrika.
Vi försöker alltid placera dig så att du bor med en annan Projects Abroad volontär eller praktikant. Ditt rum kommer vara enkelt men bekvämt, rent och säkert.
Din projektavgift inkluderar tre måltider om dagen.
Läs mer om våra boenden.
Fritidsaktiviteter när du är ledig
Sydafrika är känt som ”Rainbow Nation” med människor från olika länder och kulturer. Våra projekt är baserade i Kapstaden, där det finns oändligt mycket att se och göra på din fritid.
Surfa på Muizenberg beach eller bara slappna av på någon av de många restaurangerna nära havet. Här finns mat från hela världen, varför inte smaka på utsökt kryddade Cape Malay curry och en krämig Milk tart som efterrätt. Sydafrika är ett land som sargats av historisk segregering, du kan lära dig mer om Sydafrikas historia genom att besöka District 6 Museum och Robben Island.
Vi rekommenderar varmt ett besök på Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Arts Africa. Gå vilse för stunden bland mäktiga silos och häpnadsväckande konst.
Ingen resa till Kapstaden är komplett utan att ta kabinbanan upp på Taffelberget och se den andlöst vackra utsikten.
Vi driver många olika projekt i Sydafrika, så du kommer garanterat lära känna nya vänner och reskompisar. Det gör att du kan välja mellan att utforska Sydafrika självständigt, eller tillsammans med likasinnade nya vänner.
Säkerhet och personalstöd
Din säkerhet är vår första prioritet. Vi har många processer och system på plats för att se till att du har all hjälp och support som du behöver. För oss är det viktigt att du ska känna dig trygg när du reser med oss. Vår egen Projects Abroad personal finns tillgänglig för hjälp och stöd 24h om dygnet. De kommer se till att du trivs i ditt boende och känner dig hemma på din projektplacering. Om du skulle stöta på något problem, finns vår personal alltid där för att hjälpa dig.
Läs mer om support och säkerhet.
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